Work | Cummins Poetry Room

The Paul Cummins poetry room  Crossroads School was created as a place to archive the founder's extensive poetry collection for students to enjoy and create poetry of their own.



Todd Baron, a career educator and poet, has taught at Crossroads for 25 years. His most recent books include As Yet and TV EYE (both from Chax Press.)




These diagrams illustrate the sequence of insertions in what was an unused, windowless room in the existing library




A construction photo showing the insertion of the plywood wrapper.




A view of the room showing the number of different ways to experience the collection. The floor cushions provide a way to accommodate many students on the floor, and the cubes by ply furniture provide additional storage and seating. The plywood wrapper hosts a bench as well as the poetry collection.




The experience of contemplation within the Paul Cummins poetry room.



PROJECT:     Cummins Poetry Room

LOCATION:     Sanata Monica, CA

CLIENT:     Crossroads School for Arta and Sciences

YEAR:     2016

SIZE:     400 sf


Construction:     Speer Construction

TEAM:     Poonam Sharma

