Work | Ganbei


Ganbei was a place-making intervention in Los Angeles’ Chinatown district intended to highlight a series of events being held there…



…as part of the Los Angeles Design Festival which commissioned this piece.




The installation involves the suspension of hundreds of wine glasses generously donated by Govino




This suspended canopy is utilized to define and give identity to an outdoor gathering space which creates a sense of arrival to the festival.




Ganbei provides an altogether different experience at night.




The installation as seen from the adjacent street over the course of the day.




A detail view of the wine glasses suspended delicately above the plaza




The transparency of the installation heightens the perception of the blue sky




The wine glasses reflect and refract the nearby lights to create a stark contrast against the night sky



PROJECT:     Ganbei

LOCATION:     Chinatown, Los Angeles

YEAR:     2014


CLIENT:     LA Design Festival

TEAM:     ALi Jeevanjee, Poonam Sharma, Ara Hovsepyan

