Work | Electric Avenue Lofts


This is a sixteen unit live work condominium development on a narrow strip of land, the former right-of-way of the Pacific Electric Railway, in Venice, CA. This is a view of the project from the corner of Electric and San Juan Avenues.



The project is a series sixteen three story townhomes, each with stacked garage, working, and living levels. The loading doors and crane facilitate access to the elevated main level.




A section through a typical unit illustrating the vertical hierarchy of spaces which define the experience of each unit.




The operation of the loading door as seen from within the unit.




This door enables the use of the crane above to load large equipment and work into the unit.




While at the same time providing an indoor-outdoor experience and connection to the street for the users.




The repetition of this configuration, with the extensive openings allowing in northern sun, provides a rhythm to the long, narrow street




While the smaller openings facing Abbot Kinney Blvd. manage the harsh southern light.




A view of the main level and the soft northern light admitted by the loading door.




A view of the main level looking up toward the living areas.




A view looking from the dining area looking towards the sleeping area.




Floor Plans




A view from the sleeping area looking down towards the main level.



Arriving finally at the rooftop deck.



PROJECT:     Electric Avenue Lofts

LOCATION:     Venice, CA




YEAR:     2001

SIZE:     18,000 sf

Structural:     Reiss Brown Ekmekji
Construction:     Salter Construction


