The project is comprised of three separate building which are added to an existing craftsman bungalow. Each building comprises a different use: Office (foreground), Living (middle), and Art Studio (rear)
The meditation room- located in the upstairs of the office wing. Overhanging the pool deck, the space captures light magnificently form the south.
The living component of the project houses the master bedroom above a living room, which features a large expanse of glass opening onto the courtyard.
The view when standing in the dining room, located in the existing bungalow, looking through the new living room, through the courtyard, at the art studio beyond.
A view of the new living room, looking back into the bungalow, and showing the projection wall, the new fireplace, as well as the tall wooden door leading to the staircase to the bedroom above.
The master bedroom was conceived of as one open space under whose vaulted ceiling are found the bathroom and closet as well.
The courtyard separating the living areas from the art studio, which is provided with a separate entrane.
The art studio, showing the large roll-up door which provides essential air circulation for production.
An interior view of the studio with the roll up door open.
Interior view of the studio showing the stair access to the roof deck.
View from the stair to the roof looking back across the courtyard into the living room.