LOC was invited by the Architecture and Design Museum to create a site specific installation for their exhibition Come In. The challenge to LOC was to respond to a chosen site within the museum and create something with little or no expense.
This is the beginning of our investigation with discarded plastic wine glasses as seen suspended from a net hung from our office ceiling.
Using a total of 870 discarded glasses collected over 4 trips to the Barnsdall Park Wine Tasting event we used a garden net suspended from four corners with an internal light and a motion detected fan. Once the piece was approached, it would ‘activate’ and the glasses would all move in response to the viewer. The piece is named 435L as that would be the volume of wine consumed out of these glasses.
125 (ml/pour) x 4 (pours/glass) x 870 (glasses)=435 Liters
Looking into the piece through a gap.
The installation at night as it casts shadows on the surroundings.
Incorporated into the installation were pieces from LOC’s line of laminated plywood furniture.
The installation during the opening
The installation during the opening